Welcome to Hameau Farm!

This is how we spend a typical day at Farm Camp.

7:45am - Wakeup

Campers are awoken in their cabins by our “CITs” (Cownselors in training). Wake-ups are always a fun start to the day, ranging from song and dance to four-legged visitors, and of course the occasional clanging pots and pans.

Evoking the sense of times past, the three rustic cabins, Shawnee, Mingo and Delaware, are home to giggles, night-time stories, slamming doors and budding friendships. Designed without electricity, flashlights are key. Camp bathrooms are just a short walk down the path and have all the amenities of home.

8:15am - Breakfast

Campers gather in the dining hall for three meals a day cooked by our staff chef or culinary intern. They strive to only use produce grown in our gardens, or locally by our neighbors (talk about farm-to-table!). Main dishes change daily. Breakfasts might include pancakes, baked oatmeal, french toast, quiche, yogurt parfait, and more!

9:15am - Chores

After breakfast we do morning chores: feeding the animals, looking for eggs, and cleaning the barn. We work in our "chore groups" to get the job done.

One of our alumna put it best “I truly believe there was nothing like waking up and pushing cow manure around with a shovel to humble my preteen angst and self involvement.” - Hayden

10:00am - Farm Show Prep

"Farm show prep" is many campers’ favorite part of the day. This is when campers work with their animal of choice to prepare for the 4H-style farm show that occurs on the last day of camp.

All around the farm, girls are working closely with their animals on halters. Nothing like a stubborn heifer who refuses to walk to build some character.

11:00am - Camper/Cabin Cleanup

Camper/Cabin Cleanup gives us a chance to tidy up our cabins and shower before gethering for Circle Meeting on the lawn. That’s when we all come together to talk about our progress with our animals, report to Gay any observations about the animals or supplies from chores, and sign up for elective Afternoon Activities.

12:00pm - Circle Meeting

12:30pm - Lunch

1:15pm - Rest Hour

After lunch (grilled cheese, rice bowls, salad bar, among others), campers head back to their cabins for Rest Hour. It’s nice to have some quiet time to rest, write letters or read.

2:30pm - Afternoon Activity

After rest hour it’s time for the elective afternoon activity period. There are usually four or five activities to choose from, and they range from arts & crafts to hiking. Some past favorites have included Cow Wash, stream stomp, Feedbag Fashion, watercolor painting, improv, animal care, pig pen cleaning, and more!

5:00pm - Free Time & 5-O’clock Chores

Most of the camp has some free time before dinner, a good chance to hang out with friends, make friendship bracelets, spend some time with the animals, or shower.

Each day, one Chore Group is responsible for 5-O’clock Chores during this period. This means feeding all the animals on the farm.

6:00pm - Dinner

Pasta, rice bowls, hamburgers, bbq chicken - just a few dinner dishes served during a regular session.

After dinner we begin evening chores, which means tidying up around the farm - yes, one Chore Group even does the dishes! Soapy beards and kitchen dance parties commence.

7:00pm - Evening Chores

8:00pm - Evening Activity

We end the day with an evening activity, some traditional activities include Grab Bag Theatre, paint & sip, karaoke, and Cabin Night. We also go off-farm for roller skating and bowling.

Afterwards we get ready for bed, exhausted from a full day, and excited to see what fun tomorrow will bring!

10:00pm - Lights Out

Thanks for joining us for a day at Farm Camp!